As part of the Inland Waters Festival 2024, we focus on our community's most incredible biodiversity - the lakes and the surrounding environment.

We have compiled some environmental guidelines for you to consider while participating in the festival:

  • Take the opportunity to increase your knowledge in environmental and other exciting workshops.
  • The festival can take place thanks to our inland waters - let's preserve them together.
  • We aim to create as little waste as possible at the festival. Smokers are encouraged to use designated containers for cigarette butts.
  • Tableware: Food vendors are required to use biodegradable or reusable tableware. We recommend attendees to bring their own personal eating and drinking utensils.
  • If using a straw is necessary for health reasons, please bring your own.
  • Carry a water bottle with you. It can be refilled at various stops throughout the festival program.


  • Check if you can reach different festival destinations by bicycle or public transport.
  • Come to the festival by water, bicycle, or on foot if possible. If you arrive by car, consider carpooling with friends and acquaintances.
  • Follow parking instructions.


  • Follow waste sorting and collection requirements. If waste collection is not provided on the lake shore, please take your generated waste with you. Waste must not enter the water or the surrounding natural environment!

Wishing you enjoyable and environmentally friendly festival experiences!"